Thursday, February 5, 2015

There is a beginning !

Well, one has to start somewhere and I feel it is time to officially start a blog. I have written now and then and here and there without a system or a structured plan. A few even got published but mostly got lost. Yes, I have written on napkins and sometimes on back of receipts ; well what else can you do? You got to write when you got to write, right? So, here I am, officially pronouncing myself a blogger and promising to keep blogging until I break my promise. One thing I have learned that if you are going to bore people don’t make it long and painful, unless of course you make it long enough that you have bored people to numbness and they don’t feel the pain anymore. In either case, I would like to keep you mostly pain free. And by the way, opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person or entity. So until next time, NAMASTE.

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