Thursday, February 5, 2015

Emergent Strategy is a must for healthcare industry

Healthcare in the US is one of the most dynamic and volatile industry. There are ever-changing regulations and reimbursements. The entries and exits of the different Insurance companies, the government regulations like Affordable Health Care, the stipulations and requirements by the bodies like Joint Commission, the ever changing expectation from the patients and the different providers makes it so dynamic.  The emergent strategy provides an adaptive approach to these complex issues – one that goes beyond the intended or the initial strategies.  
  While a hospital delivers solution to disease and illness, providing access to a population in need is extremely critical. The strategy will have to differ considering the geographic, political, cultural and socioeconomic situations. Any changes to above mentioned situations will also affect the hospital operations and their strategies.
Though the changes are often unclear and political but the impact it creates are substantial and the industry needs to be flexible enough to take advantage of new opportunities. Emergent strategy is therefore an undeniably perilous component in the current turbulent healthcare business environment. It cannot be ignored, and establishments must create strategies for emergence to occur. Organizations cannot sustain any form of competitive advantage without considering the emergent strategy.

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